
RV trip, TX and beyond…

This post will hardly capture everything that’s happened over the last few crazy weeks, but it’ll have to do. At the beginning of March, we revisited a campground in Medina Lake TX. This was the place with all the tame deer. I remember thinking it was cool the way they’d walk right up to you, […]


RV trip: Georgia to Florida

This month my girls have been doing a “good deed a day” advent calendar (thanks Aunt Sherry), performing some daily act of kindness as we count down towards Christmas. Monday’s challenge was “bake cookies for your neighbor.” So they gift-wrapped and delivered their fresh-baked cookies to a dozen or so of our campground neighbors: Wednesday […]


RV trip: South Carolina

Amy has been putting our mirror space to good use; it became her whiteboard for the family schedule while we were in Charleston this week: The weather toggled between sunny and cloudy, but on Wednesday it rained and rained and rained all day and all night long. On Wednesday night we had gen-u-ine lowcountry frogmore stew: […]