
RV trip, Florida week 5

Natalie and I are going to tell this week’s story. Our first highlight came as a gift from an Indianapolis friend and neighbor who once lived in Orlando. She was able to fix us up with tickets to Universal Studios! (Thanks Missy!) NATALIE: At first I was really scared because I thought I would have […]


RV Trip, Still in Florida

I’m going to keep this short and bang through this quickly because 1) I need to get a jump on a very busy work week, and 2) my internet here won’t handle many photos. There were only a few of us that partied hard enough to ring in the new year. But we were partied […]


RV trip: Christmas in the Keys

Just a heads-up: this is a llllong post. It was an action-packed week. The MVP of Team Arnold was out of commission on Christmas Eve. That’s right: Amy was sick in bed. Amy planned to make one of her signature meals that night, so it was up to Aunt Sue and me to fill in. […]


RV trip: Georgia to Florida

This month my girls have been doing a “good deed a day” advent calendar (thanks Aunt Sherry), performing some daily act of kindness as we count down towards Christmas. Monday’s challenge was “bake cookies for your neighbor.” So they gift-wrapped and delivered their fresh-baked cookies to a dozen or so of our campground neighbors: Wednesday […]